Biotimes introduces Btc-oil ( Oil Mixture of Sesame Black Seed Oil with life supporting elements ), & natural organic products in the forms of Botanical extracts, Ayurvedic, & Nutraceuticals, and Pharmaceuticals in coordination with capable manufacturers, & noted scientists, experts & specialists. All Products are classified in two major categories, Branded & Generics.


A.a : BTC-OIL ( Blood Traffic Cleaner Oil )

BTC-OIL is explained under following heads.

A.a.1.  Introduction

It is estimated that wild varieties of Sesame plants were present approx. some 10000 years ago. 

हिन्दी में तेल और संस्कृत में तैलम शब्द तिल से बना है। यह स्पष्ट है कि पौधों की उत्पत्ति किसी भी भाषा से पहले हुई थी। आज हम विभिन्न प्रकार के तेल जानते हैं। लेकिन तेल शब्द की उत्पत्ति तिल के तेल के अधिक महत्व को इंगित करती है। इसलिए तिल के तेल को तेलों की रानी कहा जाता है।यहां तक कि तिलहन शब्द की उत्पत्ति भी तिल से ही हुई है

1500 ईसा पूर्व, सुश्रुत संहिता में इसके औषधीय महत्व की व्याख्या की गई है।

It is commonly known as beniseed, sesame, sesamum, gingelly, simsim, and til. Sesame, an important oilseed crop of the world, is produced in India.


Btc-oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from 95% sesame black seeds, & 5% of life supporting organics. Besides being used as a cooking oil in South India, it is used as a flavor enhancer in Middle Eastern, African, and Southeast Asian cuisines. It has a distinctive nutty aroma and taste.

Btc-Oil is popular in alternative medicine, from traditional massages and treatments to the modern-day. Btc-oil’s major ingredient Black Sesame Oil is popular in Asia and is also one of the earliest-known crop-based oils, but worldwide mass modern production continues to be limited even today due to the inefficient manual harvesting process required to extract the oil.

A.a.2. Nutritional Value of 100 gm of BTC-OIL

2.1: Source: Black Seeds with mixtures of bark, & fruit parts, & some precious botanical Extracts. 

2.2: Processing: the process of extraction is traditional at 25-30 degree celsius.  100ml of black sesame oil extracted by cold pressing method, with mixture of five indispensable life supporting organics.

2.3: Physical characteristics :

  • Color: Black-brown
  • Odor: Aromatic
  • State: Non-sticky, low viscous liquid at room temp.
  • Boiling Point: 410 to 450°F ( 210 to 230 celsius )
  • Smell & Taste: Just milk-like buttery taste & smell.
  • True Density: 1.130 – 0.020 g/cc
  • Porosity:        34.34%

2.4: Chemical features

Energy ( in Kcal ): 650 to 800 

Organic Constituents: 

  •            Fiber:                14 gm  
  •            Carbohydrate:  28 gm
  •            Protein:             21 gm
  •            Fat:                    63 gm ( c.f. Nutritional Value of Olive Oil )
  •                                     Saturated fat: 14 gm
  •                                     Unsaturated fat: 49 gm
  •                                                      PUFA: 28 gm
  •                                                      MUFA: 21 gm
  •           Flavonoids( % ): 10 – 16
  •           Alkaloids( % ):     06 – 04
  •           Tannins( % ):       03 – 02 
  •           Phenols( % ):     .013 – .66
  •           Phytates( % ):     0.18 – 0.12 
  • Vitamines
  •           Vitamine E:        1.4 Mg
  •           Vitamine K:      13.6 gm
  •           Vitamine B1:       17%
  •           Vitamine B3:        11%
  •           Vitamine B6:     16%

Inorganic Constituents:                  

  •           Fe ( Iron ):                      14.6mg
  •           Ca ( Calcium ):              975mg
  •           Mg ( Magnesium ):        351mg
  •           P   ( Phosphorus ):        629mg
  •           Zn ( Zinc ):                      7.8mg
  •           K ( Potassium ):            468mg
  •           Na ( Sodium ):               11mg

2.5:  Acid Value:                   2.48 mg KOH / g ( < 3 )

2.6:  Saponification Value:   1.87 mg KOH / g

2.7:  Iodine Value:                 1.27g T2 / 100 gm

2.8: Moisture Content:         03.40%

2.9: Peroxide Value:           >10

2.10: Heavy Metals ( Pb, As, Cd, etc.): .00027 to 0.06 mg/ 100gm. 

2.11: Air Bubbles: Oil, when shaken transparent air bubbles form, but disappear. 

2.12: Anti-nutrients: The presence of Phytates,& oxalates decreases its nutritional value, but when oil is roasted, anti-nutrients are destroyed.


2.13: Anti-microbial Properties:

The results of MIC values are given in the following table, in which the lowest value, 10-micron liter, is found against salmonella typhi, responsible for typhoid, an enteric fever.

Minimum Inhibitory Concentration ( MIC-Value ) is the minimum quantity required to inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

Micro-OrganismsMinimum Inhibitory Concen.Status
Salmonella typhi10-micron literHigh Susceptibility
Bacillus subtillis350-micron literMild Susceptibility
Staphylococcus aureus350-micron literMild Susceptibility
Escherichia coli500-micron literModerate Susceptibility
Streptomyces grecius350-micron literMild Susceptibility

A.a.3: Btc-oil, & its Health Benefits

Check out the best health benefits of Btc-Oil. Start Adding Btc-Oil in your diet, you can use this edible oil ( 5-10 ml in virgin form ) by mixing with your food. Check details under head of Uses & Applications(A.a.6). Btc-oil provides Health benefits in the following physiological disorders.

  1. Btc-oil as Blood Traffic Cleaner Oil ( In Antherosclerosis )
  2. Btc-oil in Anemia
  3. Btc-oil for Brain/Neuro ( Memory Enhancer, In Alzheimer’s disease, In Parkinson’s disease )
  4. Btc-oil for Heart ( Cardio-Vascular Disorders )
  5. Btc-oil for Bones & Muscles ( The Best Massage oil, & Joint’s lubricant, Rheumatoid Arthritis,)
  6. Btc-oil for Skin & Soft Tissues ( Skin-shiner, Anti-darkcircles, psoriasis, for libido )
  7. Btc-oil for Lungs & Respiratory Tract ( Cold & Cough, Asthma, Viral Infections )
  8. Btc-oil for Cancer Treatment
  9. Btc-oil as Pain Killer ( Anti-inflammatory )
  10. Btc-oil for Hair
  11. Btc-oil for Eyes
  12. Btc-oil for Constipation
  13. Btc-oil as body temprature Regulator

A.a.4. Btc-oil & its Habitat / Geographical Status

sesame crop

Pedaliaceae, the sesame family, is a small family of 14 genera and 70 species. Its native distribution is exclusively Old World, in tropical and dry habitats, and its best-known member is Sesamum indicum (Indian species of sesame). Drought-bearing capacity makes its cultivation possible in low-water areas.

Wild varieties of sesame plants are found in tropical countries like India, China, Africa, South America, etc.

In India, Sesame is grown mostly in the states like Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, & West Bengal, Maharashtra, etc. 

Nowadays, considering the importance of Sesame, these plants are genotypically modified, & cultivated at large. 

A.a5.  Btc-oil, & its Habit

It is 9-10 feet tall, a straight annual plant. Few species are known to be perennial too, as shown in the figures, given below.

  • Fig. a.sesame flowering Herb, 
  • Fig. b.sesame flower, 
  • Fig. c. sesame fruit/pod 
  • Fig. d. Black seeds with pods
  • Fig. e. White-yellowish seeds with pods

sesame black seeds with pods
d.Black seeds with pods
white sesame seeds with pods
e. White-yellowish seeds with pods


For External, Btc-oil can be applied all over body, massaging gently. Btc-oil provides better response, when lukewarm oil is applied over bone-joints, relieving pain. In Psoriasis, Btc-oil should be applied over affected skin parts, regularly for three months. In case of pre-mature graying of hair, it should be applied over head for two times in a week. In a baby, Btc-oil is used for regular massaging.

For Natural Skin Glow, Btc-oil should be applied regularly before bedtime, besides consuming with diet.

For removing wrinkles, & dark eye circles, Btc-oil should be applied regularly before bedtime, besides consuming with diet.

For Constipation, Btc-oil improves peristalitic movements of intestine, easing stool movement, as well as strenghthen internal lining of Gastro-intestinal tract.

For Oil-Pulling, Wonderfull results are seen, when Btc-oil is used in oil-pulling, as details are given in following pdf.

For Internal uses, Btc-oil can be used as cooking oil, but it gives the best results, when taken in virgin form.

For 30 years, & above, 5ml two times a day, by mixing with any food, for 90 days continuously. After giving a gap of 45 days, it can be started again, same as previous doses.

For below 30 years, Btc-oil can be used 10ml two times a day, for 45 days. After 45 days gap, it can be started again as previous.

In Hyperglycimic ( Diabetes-type2 ), & High Blood pressure, Btc-oil can be used in the same way, as given above.

In Pregnancy, Btc-oil strengthen bone & muscular growth of baby.

In Lactating mother, Btc-oil is safe improves milk production.


The health benefits of Btc-Oil is such that it helps in treating premature graying of hair, treats the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis, lowers blood pressure. Btc-Oil helps in fights against stress and depression, Btc-Oil helps in improving oral health, maintains good skin health. Btc-Oil also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent, detoxifies the skin, helps in preventing diabetes, provides a natural cure for anemia, has innate anti-cancerous properties, and helps in improving eye health.

Excess, & improper doses/intake of anything become dangerous. Hence please consult Medical Experts before using Btc-oil for medicinal purposes.



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